Our Story

In 2012, Heart and Jeffrey were inspired to return home to Gainesville, Florida to create a Comprehensive Peacebuilding Model in their local community.

Their combined experience spans decades of activism for peace, the environment, social justice and animal rights, including co-founding the Peace Alliance in 2004. The Peace Alliance was founded with the intention of elevating the work of peacebuilding on a national and international level to research, articulate and facilitate non-violent solutions within legislative agendas through a Cabinet Level Department of Peace. For the next eight years, Jeffrey and Heart traveled around the country, lobbying and learning the tools and skills of peacebuilding and restorative justice.

The three primary objectives of the work of RPCP has been to:

Provide cutting edge Programs, Trainings, Events and Services


Create a translatable model for communities worldwide


Build bridges of peace (collaboration, coordination and partnerships with other organizations)


RPCP is guided by the life and activism of River Phoenix, Heart’s eldest son. The Center honors his dedication and courageous contribution to the well-being of all life on our planet. His approach was "solution-based" and RPCP is dedicated to following this path.

Mission and Impact

The River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding's (RPCP) mission is to enrich the lives of individuals, families, and communities by providing and promoting the best practices and principles of peacebuilding and global sustainability. RPCP is a mission-driven non-profit organization working toward prevention, intervention and healing from conflict and violence. We are dedicated to creating essential societal change by supporting individuals and groups, as they take action through programs, services and trainings.

Since our founding in 2012, RPCP has established key initiatives throughout the world including:

  • Facilitating training in Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices for over 2000 educators, school administrators, social workers, law enforcement officers, mental health providers, and juvenile justice professionals throughout the U.S., Europe, and the Philippines.

  • Hosting and providing training for over 300 international practitioners and students, in partnership with the US Department of State

  • Conducting over 130 Police and Educator/Youth Dialogues with over 3000 participants

  • Partnering with local law enforcement agencies to help reduce juvenile arrests by 53% in Gainesville, from 2014 to 2020

  • Delivering training in Trauma Responsive Community initiatives for over 1200 adults.

  • Restorative Practices & Conflict Resolution

  • Trauma Awareness and Resilience Building

  • Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • Engagement through Dialogue

Our Team

  • As the Executive Director of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, Jeffrey has designed, developed and implemented a wide range of programs and services in his local community of Gainesville, Florida, throughout the United States and in countries throughout the world. His work with youth includes: police/youth dialogues, student/educator dialogues, peer mediation, juvenile diversion programs, social/emotional learning, restorative justice, youth empowerment and coming of age programs. For the past 25 years, Jeffrey has served as a Florida Certified State Mediator and mediates cases involving juvenile offenders, family disputes and conflict within small business and organizations. In addition, he is using Restorative Practices to support the Department of Juvenile Justice, the court system, schools, prisons and communities to bolster alternatives to the punitive model. He is a founding member of The Peace Alliance. He believes that by training and empowering both youth and adults to learn and practice vital communication skills, we not only create greater connection with others, but we can de-escalate conflict for safer and more productive outcomes.

  • Lynn Max earned her Master’s in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences with a concentration in Nonprofit Management from the University of Florida. She has spent over 25 years working for nonprofit organizations as well as serving on several boards. Lynn loves to create and organize systems to help nonprofits have the highest impact. She is thrilled to be on the RPCP team. She contributes to bringing more peace in the world by living a vegan lifestyle.

  • Corey holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) and has been enthusiastic about working with young people and fostering community building, equity development, and conflict resolution for over 20 years. He loves engaging young individuals through mentorship, educational programs, recreational activities, or any possible means to provide support and guidance. He is driven by the concepts of Restorative Justice, behavior modification, interrupting the cycle of violence, and reducing the likelihood of youth engaging in repeat offenses. Corey has a strong commitment to serving the community and nurturing the potential of young people through Peacebuilding and all the benefits that brings.

  • Cindy has a passion for empowering individuals with understanding and practical tools to transform their personal lives and communities. Cindy has been a child and family advocate for over 30 years. Her professional background encompasses the public, nonprofit and business sectors, having worked as a social worker, child advocate, training facilitator, entrepreneur and magazine publisher. Cindy holds a Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies from Holmes Institute. She presently serves as Spiritual Director at Center for Spiritual Living Ocala and is Co-Founder of Circle Up Center for Practical Peacebuilding. Kindness is the Cure is the title of her 2015 TEDxOcala talk.

  • Jessi likes to say she is saving the world one graphic design at a time. During her 25-plus years experience in graphic design, advertising and publishing, she has won too many ADDY and FMA Charlie awards to count. She is an Advertising Design graduate of the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and is a fine artist as well.

  • Eric is a certified mediator and holds a Master's degree in Peace, Mediation, and Conflict Research from Tampere University in Finland. His graduate research focused on grassroots and community-based forms of peacebuilding in his hometown of Gainesville, Florida, and highlighted the work, practices, and perspectives of local peacebuilders. Eric's years of professional experience working with youth in California and Oregon public schools have strengthened his faith in the power of care and collaboration to transform individuals as well as communities. Eric is honored to bring his passion for conflict resolution and community empowerment to his role at RPCP.

Meet the Board

  • Heart's work, service, and activism have spanned over five decades. Heart brings the passion and energy of her name to all her endeavors, which include her work as educator, activist and champion of the environment, animal rights, social justice, peacebuilding and gender equality, throughout the United States and abroad.

    Heart is currently living her dream in Gainesville, Florida as Co-Founder and President of the Board of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, which bear the name of her son. RPCP has developed successful partnerships with the Department of Juvenile Justice, Gainesville Police Department, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, Alachua County Schools and countless other organizations through her tireless efforts to launch and drive the work of embedding best and next practices in the field of restorative conflict resolution.

    She is a co-founder of The Peace Alliance and Peace Alliance Educational Institute, national sister non-profit organizations for nonviolent solutions to conflicts. She is the Past President and current Board Member of the Florida Restorative Justice Association. Her passion and commitment to nonviolence have been the center point of her life, as evidenced by her celebration of over 43 years of vegan living.

  • Deborah has been an attorney since July of 1995, and has worked in both the private and public sectors. The majority of her practice has been as a criminal defense trial attorney. She is currently an attorney for the Gainesville Public Defender’s office, Eighth Judicial Circuit and, as such, contends daily with issues surrounding defendants’ and victims’ rights. As a criminal defense attorney, Deborah brings a unique and vital perspective on the concept and benefits of restorative justice. Her commitment to the work of RPCP stems from her desire to meet the need for restoring community connection among defendants, victims and their families, while simultaneously keeping our communities safe.

  • A singer since age 3 and a TV & Film actor since age 11, Rain toured and recorded with Aleka’s Attic, Red Hot Chili Peppers and REM before forming the band papercranes.

    Rain is a founding member and songwriter for The Citizen’s Band, a New York based political cabaret and founder of Gift Horse Project, a platform that gathered musical artists to collaborate on one-of-a-kind concerts to benefit charities. After years as a volunteer artist, Rain joined The Art of Elysium team to further develop the music arm of the charity from 2014-2018. In 2019 she released her first solo record RIVER, toured and unveiled her podcast/label LaunchLeft. LaunchLeft is an intentional space where famed creatives launch emerging artists - an ecosystem where music, art, activism and kindness are celebrated.

  • William “Will” Thomas Halvosa IV attended and graduated from the University of Florida with a BS in Criminal Justice. He was employed with the Gainesville Police Department for 30 years, retiring as an Acting Captain in 2015. Recognized at GPD for several awards during his career: R.T. Angel Award, R. B. Ward Award (X2), and multiple Outstanding Citations.

    Re-hired at the Gainesville Police Department as the DMC Coordinator from 2015-2022, while being recognized for his work with Florida Department of Justice, Georgetown University (certified in Racial and Ethnic Disparity), Fox Valley Technical Institute, River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, CDS, and Center for Children’s Law and Policy. During this time, Will instructed Law Enforcement and other related disciplines in the areas of Implicit Bias, Procedural Justice, DMC/R.E.D., and both School and Community Juvenile policing strategies.

    Will currently works as an investigator with Stacy Scott, Public Defender of the 8th Circuit.

    Will is currently a Board Member for Partnerships for Strong Families, YouthBuild, Motivate U, and a Community Investment Member of the United Way. Past Board member of the Children’s Advocacy Center (7 years) as well as co-chair of Gainesville for All.

    Will is married to Rosa and together have helped raise their four (4) children. Will and Rosa have full custody of their 5-year-old Granddaughter, Elani.

  • Dr. Micah E. Johnson has dedicated his life to child health and social justice, which is reflected in his professional and personal endeavors. Micah has served as a National Institute of Health T32 Postdoctoral Fellow in the NIDA Substance Abuse Training Center in Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Florida. His research focuses on childhood trauma, adolescent substance abuse, and social inequalities. His philanthropic and research interests are fueled by his personal experiences with childhood trauma, poverty, and racial inequalities. Micah graduated from Florida State University and worked as a middle school teacher before becoming a sociologist and epidemiologist. Micah is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mental Health Law & Policy at the University of South Florida. His passions are music, theatre, mentoring, and championing the cause of peace and equality.

  • Martin grew up in New York and attended Syracuse University, where he majored in Political Science and Education. He graduated from the Antioch School of Law in Washington D.C. in 1982, then moved to Gainesville with his young family. He has been a peace activist and dedicated to public service for his entire adult life. Martin co-founded and managed an Intentional community in the 1970's, and served on the Board of Directors of numerous nonprofit organizations, including: Neighborhood Housing Services, The Animas Institute, The Traditional School of Acupuncture, and Radical Joy for Hard Times. He established another non-profit (Plenty) as an NGO at the United Nations and has been an Ambassadors Circle supporter. He has been involved with the Carter Center (Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope) for over ten years and is an active member of the Mankind Project.

    Martin established and has managed the Goldberg Law Office for over 30 years, specializing in Disability and Injury Law. His practice has helped thousands of clients attain support, health care, and other benefits. He is also a certified Life Coach.

The River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding (RPCP) is committed to achieving sustainable peace in local communities as well as globally. As members of the Gainesville community and as nonprofit leaders, we are dedicated to cultivating societal change and promoting antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion principles. RPCP acknowledges a need for equity and is committed to partnering with individuals that identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color, People with disabilities and LGBTQ+ and organizations that serve these communities. We aspire to embed the core values of racial equity, inclusion, and diversity in all of our hiring practices, programs, and endeavors.