We created this experience as a year-long comprehensive community peacebuilding model based on the work we’ve been doing at our center in Gainesville, FL for the past ten years. The program consists of three (3) in-person, immersive experiences that take place over nine days each, throughout the course of a year. 

Module 1.0 can be taken independently or as a part of a year-long experience.

We highly recommend attending the entire program for maximum benefit.

Module 1.0 - Friday Evening, November 11 - Sunday Morning, November 20, 2022. COMPLETED

Module 2.0 - Friday Evening, May 19 - Saturday Afternoon, May 27, 2023

Module 3.0 - Friday Evening, October 6 - Saturday Afternoon, October 14, 2023

Peacebuilding is an emergent field empowering individuals and communities to interrupt cycles of conflict and violence by addressing root causes and facilitating changes in the underlying beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Though many in Western culture define peace as simply the absence of violence or war, we at River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding (RPCP) believe it is this—and more. We also view peace as a state of harmony and tranquility within the mind and in relation to others, the environment and all life. We believe global peace and peace among nations is possible and it can be realized once enough individuals experience peace within themselves and in their families, workplaces, and communities.

The RPCP Community Peacebuilder Immersion is a deep dive into educating the mind, expanding the heart and engaging the soul in the universal principles and best practices of peacebuilding. By the end of this year-long intensive program, participants will emerge with understanding, confidence and competence that will allow them to access their own inner peace as needed, as well as facilitate peaceful outcomes in their circles of influence and larger communities. We will be guiding participants through conversations, experiential activities and processes that will empower them to be practitioners and advocates of the best peacebuilding principles and have a firm foundation for facilitating restorative conversations and community dialogues.

Each immersive experience is a deep dive into educating the mind and expanding the heart, through universal best practices of peacebuilding. Between each of the in-person gatherings, we will host 10 on-line sessions through our Virtual Learning Lab for participants to continue learning and growing together. 

The natural beauty and serenity of our retreat location is an ideal setting for this transformative program. These experiential modules include: expert presenters,  multimedia presentations, games, dialogues, mindfulness activities and outings in
nature to support a variety of learning styles.

CLICK HERE to fill out Immersion Application

Community Peacebuilder Immersion Experience


Community Peacebuilder Immersion Video

Participants will emerge from this year-long intensive program with: 

  • Heightened awareness of our interconnectedness and one common humanity  

  • Practical skills for building and sustaining healthy relationships 

  • Increased self-confidence and capacity to promote peaceful conflict resolution

  • Knowledge of a Comprehensive Community Peacebuilding Model that can be translated anywhere

  • Inspiration and resources to catalyze tangible peacebuilding initiatives 

  • A supportive community who share a common objective of fostering peace

"The peaceful setting, diverse colleagues and thought-provoking
curriculum made the immersion a life-changing experience. The peacebuilding
skills and content that were presented are easily transferred to any variety of
individuals, local groups and organizations.”
Alida Graham, Community Board Member and Activist, Decatur, IL


There is a 20% discount for those that register at the high end
of the sliding scale and complete all three modules.


Module 1.0 - Foundations of Peacebuilding

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” ~. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In this immersive experience, we explore the foundational elements that are essential for cultivating peace personally and collectively. Our work begins in the realm where we have the most influence and capacity to affect change–within ourselves. Self-awareness and emotional self-management are necessary skills for being in healthy, harmonious relationships with all of life. Greater understanding of ourselves serves as the basis for understanding others, so that we can be effective peacebuilders. During this intensive, participants will:

  • Learn and practice concepts of circle facilitation

  • Explore paradigms, beliefs and strategies for cultivating peace

  • Understand distinctions of power within ourselves and in relationship with others

  • Expand awareness and understanding of Social-Emotional Learning

  • Understand the impact of trauma and the pathways to resilience

  • Learn principles and practices of Restorative Justice

  • Have a greater vision for how community peacebuilding is translatable the world over.

Friday, 11/11/22 at 6PM - Sunday 11/20 at 11AM
10 Days - 9 nights

A beautiful rustic retreat center near Gainesville, Florida 

$2,000 - $3,000 Sliding Scale. Includes: Training Manual, catered lunch each day, snacks, drinks and RPCP 10th Anniversary Gala Celebration.

Bi-Weekly Virtual Learning Lab (included in year-long program)

$225 Double Occupancy Lodging, $300 for single room (if available). for nine days. with a fully equipped kitchen for breakfasts and dinners for eat-in diners.

Payment plan and financial assistance is available *

CLICK HERE to fill out Immersion Application

For more info please contact: info@centerforpeacebuilding.org

Module One will be particularly memorable, as friends and supporters of RPCP will be celebrating our 10th anniversary at our annual Gala, held Saturday evening, November 19, 2022. Immersion participants are invited to attend as guests of RPCP.

Prerequisite: Immersion 1.0

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ~Socrates

Immersion 2.0 builds upon the theory of change, including peacebuilding models used throughout the world to facilitate cooperation and transformation. We begin where we left off, reflecting on our own practice and how we influence those with whom we work, live and play. In this next level of training we further develop our tool kit and strategies that expand our capacity and confidence to facilitate change on a deeper level.

During this immersion experience, participants will:

  • Recognize opportunities for embedding peacebuilding practices within communities and larger systems

  • Explore the paradox of power and distinction of “power-with” vs “power-over”

  • Expand awareness and understanding of historical trauma and racial inequity

  • Experience Restorative Justice Basic Practitioner Training

  • Receive practice and coaching on effective dialogue and circle facilitation

  • Learn principles and practices of nonviolent action

  • Experience a panel discussion with RPCP community collaborators and key partners

  • Begin to develop a personal leadership plan and a plan for community action

Friday, May 19 at 6PM - Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 2PM
Nine-Day Program

Gainesville, Florida

2,000 - $3,000 Sliding Scale, Training Manual, catered lunch each day, snacks and drinks..

Bi-Weekly Virtual Learning Lab (included in year long package)

Lodging Cost:
$200 Double Occupancy Lodging, $250 for single room. for nine days. with a fully equipped kitchen for breakfasts and dinners for eat-in diners.

Payment plan and financial assistance is available *

For more info please contact: info@centerforpeacebuilding.org

Module 2.0 - Building our Tool Kit

Prerequisite: Immersion 1.0 and Immersion 2.0

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
~Harriet Tubman

The focus of Immersion 3.0 is putting our knowledge and skills to work in the service of others. In this experience, we further refine our skills and capacity to influence change on a larger scale, as we explore actionable ways to shift our collective paradigms—from violence to peace, from power-over to power-with, and from punishment to restoration.

During, Immersion 3.0, participants will:

  • Gain confidence and ease in effectively communicating key principles, strategies and benefits of peacebuilding

  • Examine how to form powerful alliances and partnerships to bring about change

  • Receive mentoring, coaching and feedback on facilitation of key concepts

  • Further develop individualized action plans

  • Receive guidance and mentoring on implementation of action plans

  • Explore best practices for self-care and sustainable action

Friday, October 6, 2023 - October 14, 2023

A beautiful rustic retreat center near Gainesville, Florida 

2,000 - $3,000 Sliding Scale, Training Manual, catered lunch each day, snacks, and drinks

Bi-Weekly Virtual Learning Lab (included in year long package)

$200 Double Occupancy Lodging, $250 for single room. for nine days. with a fully equipped kitchen for breakfasts and dinners for eat-in diners.

Payment plan and financial assistance is available *

For more info please contact: info@centerforpeacebuilding.org

Module 3.0 - Community-Based Peacebuilding:
From Vision to Action

Ten online sessions held after Immersion 1.0 and Immersion 2.0 for those enrolled in the year-long program.

Our Virtual Learning Labs will give all of us the opportunity to keep the learning and special connections alive. During these on-line sessions, we will support participants as they share their challenges and successes in applying peacebuilding principles to the “laboratory of their lives.” Sessions will be held twice a month via Zoom.

Participants will receive mentoring and coaching in:

  • Developing public speaking skills

  • Building community partnerships

  • Practicing facilitation and delivering workshops

  • Developing their personal leadership plans

  • Advancing their community action plans

  • Other requests or areas of specific need

Virtual Learning Labs


  • Introduction to RPCP's Philosophy and

    Model for Community Peacebuilding

  • Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning (SEE)

  • 2 Day Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice Basic Training

  • Police Youth/Educator Student/Community Dialogues

  • Trauma Awareness and Resilience Building

  • Communication and Conflict Resolution

  • Reflection and Intrapersonal Awareness Building

  • Building Facilitation Skills

  • Racial Equity

  • Nonviolent Action

  • Observation of Police/Youth Dialogue

  • Panel Discussion with Key Community Partners



  • To provide the knowledge, skills, and support for developing participants’ confidence and competence in creating successful peacebuilding practices in their personal lives and communities. 

  • To empower and catalyze tangible, impactful, local peacebuilding efforts in communities, schools, the justice system and neighborhoods.

  • To inspire and encourage the development of centers for peacebuilding.

  • To develop a community of practice for peacebuilders, sharing successes, troubleshooting, and inspiring others to join the field of peacebuilding.

    This residential experience will provide the knowledge, skills, and support for inspiring and operationalizing peacebuilding practices in your life and work, potentially creating a center for peacebuilding, within your community. 



Core Principles of Peacebuilding

Peacebuilding is an emerging field that empowers individuals and communities to interrupt cycles of violence by establishing relationships, systems and infrastructures for living in harmonious relationship with self, others, and all life. Peacebuilding addresses the impact and root causes of violence and conflict by acknowledging and changing the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors underlying conflict. As root causes are addressed, pathways for resolution, reconciliation and transformation become evident, thus enhancing safety and stability, while simultaneously decreasing the possibility of violence in the future.

Social-Emotional Competence in Peacebuilding

Social-emotional competence is an essential set of life skills fundamental to peacebuilding. These competencies include: identifying and managing one’s emotions, embracing conflict as opportunity for establishing more positive, constructive relationships, shared empathy, effective communication, and responsible decision making. Teaching these skills requires a level of proficiency on the part of the trainer. The immersion experience enhances understanding of social-emotional learning for participants and provides a 10-week curriculum for teaching these skills to others in an engaging, experiential way.

For more information, visit our Four Pillars Page


Facilitation Skills

During the immersion, participants will learn core aspects of facilitation, while enhancing their leadership skills. The definition of facilitate is to “make easy” or to “ease a process.” The facilitator’s role is therefore to plan, guide or manage a process, dialogue or meeting, so that the group’s objectives are met effectively and with the full participation of all members. The facilitator helps empower the group to arrive at new ideas, understandings, and decisions. Effective facilitation requires the ability to translate, reframe and de-escalate conflict, while drawing out the knowledge and wisdom of the group.

Immersion participants will have opportunities to practice a variety of facilitation techniques and receive coaching and feedback to better hone their skills. While the concepts of Peacebuilding are simple to understand, they are not always easy to implement. Through the immersion, participants learn how to recognize and release biases, prejudices and judgments that can get in the way of effective facilitation. Participants will be coached on how to deal with challenging situations and conflicts, guiding individuals to find common values, principles, and/or strategies. You will come away with a framework to help others shift their perceptions and be open to wider range of perspectives, options and solutions.


Restorative Justice Training

Restorative Justice (RJ) and practices is an evidence based process that has been used by aboriginal tribes for thousands of years. It moves us from a punishment model to a restorative model which allows for accountability, respect, community engagement and healing among participants. RJ seeks to restore and repair harm by bringing together those directly or indirectly impacted by a specific conflict, offense, crime, incident, etc. RJ is not just for crime, but any situation in which there has been harm or a break in a relationship. It can be used to address issues in schools, the workplace, neighborhoods, prisons and within families and other relationships.

The RJ process involves bringing interested parties together in a facilitated circle conversation. The circle includes those directly or indirectly involved, as well as supporters and others interested in making things better. Everyone’s voice is heard during the circle. All participants get to share about the impact of the incident, how to address the harm and actions for making amends. These action items are put into a written agreement, which is signed by all.

For more information visit our Four Pillars Page.


Establishing a Trauma Responsive Community Initiative

Various experts call it the nation’s #1 public health problem. The largest national public health study you’ve probably never heard of—shows this malady is all too common—with effects that are far reaching and long term. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “Some of the worst health and social problems in our nation can arise as a consequence of adverse childhood experiences” also known as childhood trauma.

For more information visit our Four Pillars Page.


Continued Development

Your immersion experience is only the beginning of your journey to developing peacebuilding practices in your community. RPCP will continue to work with you to celebrate your successes and help you navigate your challenges. In addition to ongoing tele-meetings, you will be inducted into our learning community as a Community Peacebuilder Alumni and continue to receive support and collaboration with others who have experienced RPCPs immersion.